I could instantly recall several situations that I’ve been in where I would have liked to have shared some carefully chosen words with someone who was clearly in need of a lesson in appropriateness. The author gives a couple of hilarious examples in the article, one of which made her money!
After reading it, I thought now that’s a fantastic idea. I immediately started trying to think of new and interesting ways to call people’s attention to their lack of social skills. Unfortunately, all I came up with was the tried and true. Such as, the notepads you can buy at novelty or gift shops with various preprinted phrases (just check off the one that applies) for the rude car-parker, or shushing someone who is talking too loudly on their cell phone. But these are not exactly novel approaches, and depending on whom you shush, could even be dangerous. So I did what anyone looking for more information would do. I googled the phrase “what to do when people are rude”. Guess what I got? A list as of 17 books on rudeness, how many different ways people can be rude, and how to deal with it! Plus, there were several web sites and blog posts on the topic as well.
It really is an epidemic! I had no idea. Now I really am going to do my part, and so should you. The next time you are confronted with rudeness, stage an intervention! The country needs our help!
You will find the full article here: http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200911/two-minute-memoir-i-see-rude-people
The author’s website is www.advicegoddess.com